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Indianapolis Wedding Photographer


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I'm Jasmine and I'm a wedding photographer based in Indiana but I serve clients worldwide!

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5 Blog Ideas For Photographers

5 Blog Ideas For Photographers

I get a lot of questions from photographers about blogging. They want to know why blogging is important and what they should actually blog about. If you're a photographer who is struggling with blogging and coming up with topics to write about then this blog post is for you! Here are 5 different ideas for blog posts that you can write!

1. Your Sessions

This one is pretty easy! Try to blog every single session that you have. Show some of your favorite images from the session and tell a story about the session. This will help future clients see more of your work. They can look at your blog and get a better sense of your photography style, get outfit inspiration, and see your work at different locations. Plus this helps a lot with SEO!

2. Tips For Your Clients

Your clients will more than likely have a few questions about their session, what to bring, location ideas, etc. If you find yourself getting asked a certain question over and over then that is a great question to write a blog post about! You can educate your clients in advance and provide great tips and tricks for them. The blog post will also be helpful when you get the question in the future, you can direct them straight to the blog!

3. Information About You

Your clients don't just book you for your beautiful photography but also because they like you! Sharing some personal posts will help your clients learn more about you and your business and connect with you more. You don't need to tell your whole life story if you don't want to but you can focus on things like why you became a photographer and why you love shooting the types of photography that you do. This helps your clients feel closer to you and more like a friend than a client.

4. Location Examples

If you have a location that you love to use for sessions then you can make a blog post about each of those locations. You can show lots of different images from the locations to help your clients get a better idea of the space. This is also true if you have a studio space. You can share more images of your space. When your clients are looking for location suggestions then you can direct them straight to these blog posts!

5. Outfit Inspiration

Outfit inspiration can be used for all types of photography sessions! If you are a family photographer you can show outfits that go great together. If you shoot headshots, show off different types of clothing that work great for headshots. If you are a senior photographer, show some great classic outfits and how to include in things like letter jackets, sports equipment, etc. If you are a wedding photographer, you can talk about veils and fun socks and bouquets and boutonnieres. Your clients are always looking for ideas on outfits and this can help them gather some inspiration.

There are literally hundreds of different blogs that you can write about and these five are just some suggestions to get your started! Find the ones that work best for your business and start brainstorming ideas. Once you start writing blog posts the ideas will really start flowing!

Want to learn more about blogging and so much more! If so, join me at The Graceful Gathering on June 29-30 in Cleveland! Learn more at: Save $50 off of your ticket with coupon code "JASMINE"!

The Graceful Gathering Speaker Jasmine Norris Photography


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