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Different Unity Options For Your Wedding Ceremony: Wedding Wednesday

Different Unity Aspects For Your Wedding Indiana Wedding Photographer Photography

If you are planning a wedding you may be thinking of things you can include into your ceremony. There are lots of things you can include from speeches, songs, readings, etc. One thing that some couples include is a unity ceremony. This is where the couple does something that unities them and signifies them becoming one. There are so many different options for this that can range from the traditional to the unique. Keep reading for just a few different unity options!

Unity Candle Lafayette Indiana Wedding Photographer Photography

Unity Candle

A unity candle is probably one of the first things that you think of when you think of a unity ceremony on a wedding day. This is pretty traditional and usually starts with both mothers lighting a tapered candle at the beginning of the ceremony. Towards the middle/end of the ceremony the wedding couple will then take each candle and use it to light the larger candle and this signifies the couple and their families coming together as one.

Sand Ceremony Crawfordsville Indiana Wedding Photographer Photography Stone Creek Lodge

Sand Ceremony

Another thing that probably popped in your head when you were reading unity ceremony is the sand ceremony! This is also a pretty traditional way to have a unity ceremony during your ceremony. With the sand ceremony, the wedding couple will have two different colored sands. They will each pour one color into a decorative container which mixes both colors together. This container is then displayed in their home and signifies the couple unifying as one.

Cord of Three Strands Anderson Indiana Wedding Photographer Photography

Braiding Of The Cross/Cord Of Three Strands

The braiding of the cross/cord of three strands is a great unity option if you are a religious couple and religion is a big part of your lives. During your ceremony you will braid three strands into one large braid which signifies you coming together as one because a braid of three cords is stronger than one cord alone.

Tying The Knot Indianapolis Indiana Wedding Photographer Photography Balmoral House

Tying The Knot

If you like the rope idea but maybe aren't as religious, you can also literally tie the knot! You will have two different cords and tie a knot together symbolizing the fact that during the ceremony you are tying the knot!

Wine Pouring Indiana Wedding Photographer Photography

Wine/Beer Pouring

If you are a wine/beer/alcohol lover then this may be the unity aspect for you! Instead of lighting a candle or pouring sand, you will pour each other a drink and drink it during the ceremony. This is a great way to incorporate in your love of spirits and share a drink together.

Alcohol Pouring Indianapolis Indiana Wedding Photographer Photography Mavris

Wine/Alcohol Box Ceremony

Wine/alcohol lovers unite! The wine/alcohol box ceremony is where the wedding couple will seal up a box with their favorite wine/alcohol. This box will then be opened on their anniversary and enjoyed. It's a great way to incorporate a unity aspect into your wedding while also providing some fun for your 1 year anniversary!

Tree Planting Indiana Wedding Photographer Photography

Tree Planting Ceremony

A tree planting ceremony is a great way to have a unity aspect that you can transition to your first home as a married couple. You will pour in some dirt and water a tree during your ceremony and then plant that tree at your home so you can watch your love grow!

Ring Warming South Bend Indiana Wedding Photographer Photography

Ring Warming

A ring warming ceremony involves all of your guests. Before you both place your rings on your fingers, your wedding bands will be passed through the room so each of your guests can hold them and pass on their blessings to you.

Jumping The Broom Goshen Indiana Wedding Photographer Photography Avalon Manor

Jumping The Broom

Jumping the broom is a fun unity aspect where the couple will hold hands and jump a broom after they exchange their vows. There are a couple different meanings to this one with one being the broom handle represents God, the bristles represent the couple's family, and the ribbon represent the couple and the ties that bind them together. It can also signify fertility and bringing the wedding couple children.

AND so much more!

I'm all about making your wedding your own and there are soooooo many things that you can do as a unity option for your wedding ceremony. Don't be afraid to thing outside the box here and incorporate in something you both love and enjoy!


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