You are a week away from the big day! By now you should have all of the major things checked off your list and you are just anxiously awaiting the big day to get here! There are a few things that you need to do this week to make sure your wedding goes off without a hitch!
Go To Your Last Minute Beauty Appointments
Now, this is not the week to do any drastic changes but it's now the time to do the last minute things. Maybe you have short hair and need a trim or want to schedule a shave for the day of your wedding. Maybe you want to get a manicure and/or pedicure. Or maybe you just want to get a soothing massage to relax a bit before the big day. This is your week for all of those things.
Do One Last Vendor Check In
If you haven't heard from your vendors recently or have not sent over the final timeline, now if the time to do so. Make sure everyone is on the same page with the order of events and that all of your vendors have the information that they need. Pass along info for your wedding point person so that your vendors will know who to get in contact with if there are any issues.
Check In With Your Wedding Party and Point People
Just like you checked in with your vendors, you will also want to check in with your wedding party and anyone who will be helping you with the wedding. Make sure everyone has the timeline and all the info they need to make your wedding day go off smoothly. If you haven't already appointed someone to be the point person for the day, you will want to do this now. This will make sure that everyone can talk to this person for questions, concerns, and anything else without having to bother you and your fiancé.
Finish Packing
Make sure EVERYTHING that you need for the wedding is correlated and packed up. Do this earlier in the week if you haven't started yet so you can rest easy knowing you have everything ready to go. If you are staying the night at a hotel or leaving for your honeymoon after the wedding, start packing your suitcase as well. You won't want to get home after the wedding and then frantically pack to catch your flight.
Relax and Enjoy Your Last Week As An Engaged Couple!
This is your last week as an engaged couple! Next week you will be married!!!! Be sure to try to relax a bit and celebrate this last week before you say "I Do!". Go on a date night or just stay in and order some take out and watch your favorite TV show.