Wedding planning can be stressful and the last thing that you want are upset parents, meddling in-laws, or bridesmaid drama. Here are some tips for some of the common wedding drama problems.
Bridesmaid/Groomsmen Issues
Your bridesmaids and groomsmen are some of your closest friends and they will do everything to make sure your wedding day goes smoothly. However, things can happen and they may not all get along or maybe one of them starts becoming a bit bossy. What do you do when things get messy? First, be up front with your bridesmaids and groomsmen. Let them know that they may need to let some of the others take the reigns every once in awhile or that they need to try to set their differences aside for one day. Pick someone to be a point person for the wedding party. When issues do arise, send them to the point person and they can work everything out without you or your fiancé having to worry.
Meddling Parents
Your parents are so excited that you are tying the knot and they try to be helpful. However, sometimes that helpfulness may get in the way a bit. Just like your bridesmaids and groomsmen, the best place to start is by having a heart to heart. If your parents want you to have roses in your bouquet but you want peonies, explain your reasoning and then hear them out. Sometimes all they need to hear is your reasoning behind your choices. Consider the financial aspects. If your parents are paying for a big part of the wedding expenses then they may need you to stick closer to your budget. Maybe those roses are closer to the budget than the peonies. See if you can come up with a compromise that works for you both. Know when to pick your battles and know when to fight for something you really love but also know when to let them choose when you don't have a preference.
In-Law Drama
Even though your spouses parents love you and are happy that you are tying the knot, there can also be some drama. A marriage means that your spouse will be starting a new life with you and will be leaving their life with their parents. The best way to approach this is to make sure your in-laws are included in the wedding planning. Let them be a part of the process just like your parents. Be clear up front about their role and financial responsibility. This will help make sure everything is in perspective.
Spouse Drama
This is the one that you want to avoid! It's your wedding and the last thing that you want is to be fighting with your fiancé. Take some time off from wedding planning and have a day/weekend/week just for you both. Enjoy this time being engaged and remember to take date nights. With most weddings, one fiancé will be more gung-ho about wedding planning than the other. Just because your fiancé doesn't seem as excited about the table settings as you do does not mean that they aren't excited about the wedding. Cut them some slack and make sure you let them know that their wedding planning efforts are appreciated (even if they don't seem super excited about it). And vice versa. If you are the fiancé who isn't super excited about the wedding planning process, try to help out however you can and help lessen the load on your fiancé.