The last thing that is probably on your mind for your wedding day planning is eating on the day of the wedding. Yes, you booked the perfect caterer and curated the perfect menu for your reception but actually scheduling time into your day to eat and really sitting down to eat isn't probably something you have thought about. Your wedding day is busy and packed full of so much fun that it's easy to push eating to the side or just grab a few bites of food. You may think it's funny for me to write this blog post and remind you to eat, but after a decade of photographing weddings, I know how easy it is to forget to eat! For today's Wedding Wednesday blog, I am going to give you some tips to make sure you stay fed and fight away any hunger pain!
Eat Breakfast/Lunch
You will want to make sure you eat breakfast and/or lunch before you leave for your wedding. Or at least plan for breakfast and/or lunch to be delivered to where you will be getting ready so you can stay nourished. You won't want to go all day without eating and just plan to eat at your reception. It's a long day and you want to stay nourished so you don't pass out or be hangry on your wedding day.
Pack Snacks
Pack some snacks to take with you on your wedding day that will be easy to transport, eat, and store. When you feel your hunger level rising, you can grab a snack to hold you over until your next meal.
Schedule Time Into Your Timeline To Eat
This point is extremely important. You MUST schedule time to eat into your timeline and make sure it's realistic! You can have all the food delivered and pack all the snacks but if you don't schedule time to eat throughout the day then you won't have time to eat! Don't just say that you will eat some lunch while you get your hair/makeup done because you really won't be able to eat. Your hair/makeup artist will need you to stay still so they can make you look your best. You may be able to snack on something but you really won't be able to have a nutritious meal and stay nourished. Schedule in that meal time as it's own time slot. Same thing goes for your reception meal. Your reception dinner is probably already in your timeline but make sure you know that you will actually be sitting down and eating and enjoying this time with your spouse. Don't think you need to eat a quick bite and walk around to say hello to your guests, your guests understand that you need to take a few moments to relax and eat. You can say hello to your guests after you have had a proper meal. Don't feel guilty about taking the time you need to eat!
If you are a guest reading this, then please let the wedding couple eat! It's been hours upon hours since they have ate once the reception meal comes along so resist the urge to clink your glasses so they will kiss or talk to them for 20 minutes while they are sat down for their meal. This is one of the only times they get to eat and eat well on the wedding day (and they only have so long until the reception events start) so let them enjoy their meal and then you can say hello and catch up.
Ask Your Caterer To Save You A Plate
If you are having a cocktail hour or any other snacks for your guests on your wedding day, ask your caterer to make a plate for you and your spouse. They will keep the plate warm/cold so it will be ready for you to enjoy when you are done taking your portraits. This will allow you to get to enjoy your cocktail hour snacks without fearing that they will be gone by the time you are done with portraits.
Request A Take Home Meal For You Both
Ask your caterer to make a take home meal for you and your spouse to take home after the wedding day. This is as easy as making two extra meals for them or packing up leftovers from the buffet. They can store this in your venue's refrigerator and then at the end of the night you can have a late night snack or save it for the day after your wedding so you won't have to cook and can enjoy your yummy reception meal again.
BONUS: Don't Forget To Stay Hydrated
Just like remembering to eat, you also need to remember to drink water! Staying hydrated will ensure that you will be able to dance the night away during the reception. Have water stashed away throughout your wedding day so you can have a drink within arms reach at all times so you can stay hydrated.