Every once in awhile a couple will ask me about my cameras and lens. Usually they do some photography or they are just curious. Although I wholeheartedly believe that gear does not make the photographer, it is nice to know that your wedding photographer has the gear that will allow them to shoot in low light conditions and high resolution.
For fun, I decided I would share what gear I use on a normal wedding day! This is for all you photo buffs and photographers out there! :)

Nikon D780
This is my main camera and what I always use for weddings and engagements. I LOVE the low light and focus capabilities of this camera, it is a beast in low light situations which is what I need for dim ceremonies and dark reception venues.
Nikon D750 x2
This is my backup camera. I have two of these, one for me and one for a second photographer. It's a great camera and was my main camera before the D780 came out! It's also great with low light! It is super important for your wedding photographer to have a backup camera and equipment, you never know what can happen in the middle of a wedding!
Sigma Art 35mm 1.4
For those of you who are not photographers, Sigma came out with the Art line and their lens blow all of the other lens out of the water! They produce superb images! A 35mm lens is great because it is the focal lens that most replicates what a human eye sees and helps me get a wider view of the venue. As a photographer who shoots primarily with prime lenses, I love shooting wide open at around 1.4-2 and this lens allows me to do that, which allows me to have gorgeous backgrounds and light and airy images that matches my photography style.
Sigma Art 50mm 1.4
This is my go to lens! If you're a photographer and you don't own this lens, you need to purchase it! For my style, I LOVE a 50mm lens. I use this lens for every part of the wedding day and for all engagement sessions. As a photographer who shoots primarily with prime lenses, I love shooting wide open at around 1.4-2 and this lens allows me to do that, which allows me to have gorgeous backgrounds and light and airy images that matches my photography style.
Sigma Art 85mm 1.4
Another Sigma Art lens! If you can't tell, I love them! The 85mm lets me stand back aways and still get a close shot and provides some great bokeh! I use this lens for portraits a lot and for reception speeches.
Nikon 70-200mm 2.8 II
This lens is only used for the ceremony. It allows me to stand out of guests way and still get close images of the bride and groom as well as some overview shots. This is the only zoom lens I use on a wedding day and it is solely reserved for the ceremony since I like to go as unnoticed as possible. I may also break this out for the reception if it's a larger venue so I can still get close photos.
Vivitar Maco Filters 10x 4x
These filters are what I use for my ring shots! I know you all love my ring shots and these filters allow me to achieve the look I want. I use these filters on my Sigma Art 35mm 1.4. Even though I have a Marco lens that provides great results, I still prefer to use these filters. They are not for all photographers, but for me, they work amazingly!
Nikon 28-70mm 2.8
This lens is a backup lens and I really only use it for personal reasons (vacations, house photos, etc) and I don't usually bring this on wedding days or for engagement sessions.
Nikon 80-200mm 2.8
This is one of my backup lenses. This is super similar to the 70-200mm that I use but is an older version of the lens that doesn't have as good of image stabilization as the new lens. However, don't let it's age fool you, this lens produces images that are almost identical to the 70-200mm. I always bring this along just in case something happens to my 70-200mm on a wedding day. I can easily switch this out and still get the photos that I need.
Nikon 50mm 1.8
This is what's known as a nifty-fifty in the photography world. It's a great lens that is super small. I don't use this on weddings or for engagements but it's one of my go-to vacation lenses because it's so small and can fit in my handbag.
Godox V860II-N Speedlite
This is my main flash and I use this on my camera in dark venues. It's a superb flash that works so well in all lighting conditions. This helps me make sure my photos are still light and airy, even if I'm in a dark venue.
Neewer Speedlite 750II
I have several of this light and I primarily use these off camera with a trigger. It is a superb flash that has not failed me yet! This is also what I use as a backup flash in case my Godox fails. I bring at least 3 of these on wedding days.
Besides the equipment featured above, I also have multiple batteries, memory cards, and lens cloths.
If you're a photographer reading this and want to know what I use to carry my equipment on a wedding day then here you go! I have a Jo Totes Gracie bag and it holds all of my equipment perfectly! I also have a House Of Flynn Rolling Bag that I use to store my backup equipment and extra lenses on wedding days. For travel, I use a different Jo Totes bag that will fit a camera body and a couple lenses as well as my laptop and travel items.
